Make your Roof Energy Efficient with these Easy Steps


On a hot summer day, the sweltering heat makes your air conditioner work much harder to cool your home; this is because your roof tends to absorb the heat. Similarly, in the colder weathers, your heater may work overtime to keep your rooms warm – all simply because of your roof’s lack of energy efficiency properties.

Having an energy efficient roof can go a long way in reducing your utility bills. It keeps your house warm in the winters, and cool in the summers. Here are three easy ways you can reduce your energy expenses:

Cool your Roof

Converting your existing roof to a cool roof does not require a lot of work. With simple and easy steps you can easily build an energy efficient roof. Roofs that do not reflect sunlight instead absorb all of it can make your house much hotter than the actual weather outside. This will make your air condition work hard, thus cause an increase in your energy bill. Dark colored roofs are not preferred when converting your roof to an energy efficient roof. They conduct much higher temperatures in your home which increases the energy needs of your house. The easiest way to cool your roof is to apply a cool roof coating on your existing roof. If you’re placing your roof or moving into a new house, consider changing your dark color asphalt shingles to light colored ones.

Insulate it

Insulation is the one of the things that comes to mind when looking for ways to make our home energy efficient. A roof that is poorly insulated will require more air conditioning in summer and more heating during winters. A well-insulated roof eliminates the need of excess use of air conditioners and heaters. Insulating your roof is a tricky job. You should have appropriate knowledge of the materials used and which one will suit your roof the most. With the exception of metal roofs, consider leaving an air space between the roofing material and the insulation.

Replace it Sustainably

With a number of green options available in the market, it is difficult to differentiate between the fake materials and the original ones. Choose a roof that will last for years and reduce your energy needs. Roofing materials that are energy efficient should be chosen. The right choice of your roofing material will reduce your energy needs as much as 30 percent. No doubt hiring a professional roofer will be the best decision; however, you too should research and find out a bit about sustainable roof replacement.

Looking for efficient roof installers in Dallas? We at James Kate Roofing offer one of the best roofing services – from inspection to installation, we provide all services!

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