How to Get Rid of Moss on Roof?

Moss on Roof

Growth of green moss can create several problems on your shingle roofs. A small layer of thin moss might not be too troublesome, but large clumps of moss can degrade shingles, get beneath them and cause leaks. Further, many of the methods of removing moss that are recommended online actually damage the shingles increasing the possibility of getting a leak. So, the question arises here is how do you safely remove moss from a roof? If you are planning on replacing the roof, do you need to remove the moss first? And how to prevent moss on the roof from growing back after you have removed it? Here in this post, we will answer all those questions and tell you many other things that you need to know about how to get rid of green moss on the roof.

Does Moss on a Roof Cause Problems?

One of the most asked questions by homeowners in the Dallas Fort Worth area is does moss on a roof cause problems? The simple answer is yes, it does cause problems. You may feel that a bit of moss will give your roof shingle some charm, just as ivy growing up the side of your house might. While moss may be beautiful, it is a detriment to your roof. Here is why: Unlike other plants that gather water from their roots, mosses gather water from their leaves. Therefore, the shingles that are unlike soil, a dry and relatively nutrient-free environment doesn’t stop its growth. They will grow roots directly into the shingles, which can destroy the shingles causing leaks.  Moss on the roof will soak up water during the rain and retain it, creating consistently wet conditions on your roof. Moss growth will also cause improper drainage of water off the roof as water will trickle through or around the moss instead of running straight down to the gutters. The constant exposure to water can degrade shingles. Over time, moss can move under the shingles, lifting them up creating opportunities for water to get into the lower layers of the roof and, potentially, your home.  Minor moss infestations on your roof may not cause many issues, but it is likely to become severe if not removed. Once you spot moss growing on the roof, you should take steps to prevent it. If there is a severe infestation, you may have no choice but to remove the shingles that have been damaged by it. A professional roofing contractor like us in Plano can help you assess what kind of intervention your roof needs.

How to Remove Moss from a Roof?

moss removal

If moss begins to grow on your roof, you can remove it before it becomes serious enough to affect your roof. Moss is tough and typically will not be removed by hand. However, using a chemical solution to loosen the moss without damaging the shingles can be a good solution. We do not recommend stepping on the roof for moss removal. Safely set up your ladder near the moss and spray cleaner on the moss. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes then rinse the moss thoroughly using garden hose on low pressure. Avoid direct pressurized spray beneath the shingles or directly against the shingles such that they might lift and remove all the cleaner that you sprayed on.

Now remaining moss should be loosened enough to be picked by hand. Pick the leftover moss off the shingles and put it in the garbage bag for disposal. If some moss is still too ingrained on the roof, you should not use a brush or a pressure washer, as they may damage the roof. Instead, consult with a professional roofing company like us in Plano, TX as to what your next steps should be.

How to Prevent Moss on Roof?

Once you have removed the moss or got a brand-new roof, you will want to take steps to protect it from getting a moss infection again. Here are a few steps that you should take to prevent moss growth on your roof:

  • Moss prefers to grow in the shade, consider trimming trees that shade out the roof or moving garden features, like pergolas or trellises, so that they do not cast shade on the roof.
  • Install a copper, zinc or a galvanized metal strip on the ridge of the roof to prevent the growth of moss, algae and lichen.
  • Get regular inspections because professional roofing contractors in McKinney can often prevent moss growth by ensuring that your roof is draining water properly. You should get inspection and clean your gutters at least yearly to avoid the backup water that could attract moss.

Do You Need Help Dealing with Roof Problems?

Whether you need to remove a few moss-infected shingles or want to replace the whole roof, a professional roofing contractor like us in Plano, TX area is your best resource. Contact us now to schedule your roof inspection.

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